
Your App Growth knowledge base

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Albert Junior - ASO Overview

Albert Junior: spel för barn is among the Education category apps in the App Store which let young users learn basic math and english. The app on the SE market is being downloaded an average 8.6k times in the last 90 days. Indeed, by the time of writing this, Albert Junior is ranked at #63 and that’s the reason why we take a look at that in this review.

January 10, 2023

App Marketing & App Store Optimization Trends for 2023 that You Need to Be Aware Of

The app market is constantly changing and evolving, with new trends emerging every year and old ones fading away. While the economic climate in 2023 may be challenging for many businesses, the app industry should not be discouraged. There is still potential for your app's success, and by keeping an eye on the following trends, you can increase your chances of success.

December 15, 2022

Top Mobile App User Acquisition Challenges for 2022/2023 and How to Overcome Them?

App user acquisition is the process of attracting and retaining users for a mobile app. It is an essential part of the app development process, as a successful app depends on having a large and engaged user base. However, app user acquisition is not always easy, and there are several challenges that app developers and marketers need to be aware of.

December 6, 2022

Fonts - ASO Overview Report

Fonts is among the utilities apps in the App Store which change whole keyboard for tons of users. With over 400k people who have downloaded the app in the last 90 days. In fact, by the time of writing this, it dropped down by 7 positions in the utility category. While Fonts simply attract communication from the users, there is still a way to maximize their app store visibility and therefore increase their chance of getting noticed to reach the TOP ranking positions.

October 31, 2022

Brave Private Web Browser ASO Overview Report

While Brave Private Web Browser simply lets users surf over the whole internet, there is still a way to maximize their app store visibility and therefore increase their chance of getting noticed to reach the TOP. After all, the biggest room is the room for improvement. No matter how great the app might already be, there are lots of things to do to reach the top spot and not be overtaken by competitors.

October 28, 2022

App Marketing Agency - Why you Need it and What to Expect?

"What an invention! An app growth marketing agency? What good is that?" - I have heard similar sentences many times since AppDNA came into the world. That's why in this short article I decided to describe our motives. Why did we open an app growth marketing agency, and how is it different from others found on the market?

October 27, 2022