
Your App Growth knowledge base

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Why App Ratings and Reviews are important for you app growth?

These days consumers are getting more skeptical of digital app marketing than ever before. Other people recommendations in the form of app store ratings and reviews stand alone as the best and greatest driver of discovery and conversion.

April 13, 2021

Popular myths about App Store Optimization

It's no wonder that with so many apps available, it's even harder to break through and get noticed. One of the popular, but still much debated, application marketing and mobile user acquisition strategies is App Store Optimization (ASO). Today, we’ll debunk some popular myths about ASO.

March 18, 2021

App Marketing during the coronacrisis

The coronavirus epidemic is a huge blow to the economy and a test for many companies. However, the market hates vacuum and every, even worldwide tragedy, has not only its losers, but also winners. It is no different in the case of the mobile application market. Recent weeks have seen increased traffic in app stores and increased sales through the mobile channel.

March 17, 2021

It's time to think about ASO

In a nutshell, ASO is the process of improving the overall visibility of the mobile application / game in the store. It aims to obtain the largest organic traffic possible, but also to improve conversion at app page visit - download stage.

March 17, 2021

Why your app isn't driving results you planed before?

The mobile application is a great tool to improve and strengthen the company's position on the market. Mobile applications can accomplish many business goals, be an additional or main sales channel or simply strengthen the company's position as the one that performs well in the digital era.

August 14, 2020

What AppPR really is?

In 2019, when more people have a smartphone than a toothbrush, it's impossible to underestimate the power of mobile business. The fact that users spend over 90% of the time dedicated to using personal devices using apps, and this time is on average 5 hours a day, gives great opportunities for owners of mobile applications.

August 14, 2020